



The Powel Crosley Estate is supported in part by the Crosley Estate Foundation, a 501(c)3 corporation established for charitable, historical and educational purposes. The mission of the Foundation is to raise funds for the restoration, preservation, maintenance, and operation of the Crosley Estate. To date, the Foundation has raised over $150,000.

Powel Crosley Estate

The current focus of the Foundation is to raise funds to complete the restoration of the carriage house, which sits just southwest of the home. When completed, the carriage house will contain office space for Estate management, the Foundation and the Powel Crosley Theatre, and a dormitory residence for our theatre’s visiting actors. When the three-car garage is restored, it will house a vintage Crosley automobile.

Be a part of history. Become a member of the Crosley Estate Foundation.

  • $20 Individual Member: Benefits include a subscription to the Foundation newsletter and advance notice of special events.
  • $35 Contributing Member: Benefits listed above for you and your spouse, plus Crosley customized note cards.
  • $75 Supporting Member: All benefits listed above, plus the opportunity for you and your friends to enjoy a private tour of the mansion conducted by trained docents.
  • $100 Sustaining Member: All benefits listed above, except you may arrange for two private tours.
  • $1,000 Lifetime Benefactor: For those who would like to contribute more!

Send your check made payable to Crosley Estate Foundation to:

Crosley Estate Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 20331
Bradenton, FL 34204

*Include your name, spouse’s name (if applicable), address, and phone number.

Contact the Powel Crosley Estate at 941-722-3244.

Explore our other facility, the Bradenton Area Convention Center.